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Rabu, 08 Juli 2009

Anderson Clan

Holy Andersons! While in Bear Lake over the holiday weekend I met up with this blooming family. You see the Andersons and I grew up in the same town where Amber and I were friends from junior high and on. Amber and I recently reconnected (many thanks to Facebook) and spent an afternoon together reminicsing. She later contacted me to meet up with her family and beyond for their every 5 year reunion. It was so grand to see this family make families of their own, needless to say, I was surrounded, 31 folks. Whew! Here are a few of the offspring...
A SB 10A SB 8A SB 6A SB 11
Bear Lake was so purdy...
A SB 2A SB 1
Yep, you guessed it, she's three...
A SB 12
A SB 7A SB 3A SB 13
snakes, snakes, snakes
A SB 4A SB 14
Thanks Andersons! The other 900 are on their way...

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